November 21



Hi peeps are you ready to hear about my week?  Because I know I am. But before we start close your eyes and think about the best thing you have done this week.  I have done a lot of really cool things but I will just talk about a few.


First I want to talk about the book i’m reading cald Pumpkins Story.  I am loving this book and its moving my dot because it is a different genre than I usually read and it is also exercises different parts of my brain.  Plus it’s also about a cute horse so it’s a win win.

Now I need to tell you about the best part of my week.  In science class we are learning about symbiosis.  Symbiosis is wear 2 different species have a mutual,commensal and parasitic relation.  Mutual is where both organisms are helped. Commensalism is wear only one organism is helped and one is not harmed or helped.  But parasitism is where one organism is helped and one is harmed.


Thank you for reading my blog bye bye.